Wednesday, May 30, 2012


 We've been busy this week attending the brandings of two of Marty's brothers.

For those of you who aren't familiar to what the term means, let me explain. It's an event where a rancher invites friends, relatives and neighbors to help him round up his herd of cattle, give each of the calves their spring shots (these shots guard against diseases that can come from the ground and other sources, spread throughout the rest of the cattle, resulting in many dead calves and no income for the rancher), castrate the bull calves that aren't wanted to be kept bulls and brand all the calves.

This is a lot of work and the more hands the more efficient the work is done. 

The herd is brought into a set of corrals by cowboys on horse. To use four-wheelers and pick-up trucks is a "modern" way of doing this, but Marty's family prefers the old and more fun way of horses. The cows tend to respond better to horses than machines anyway.

The kids are getting ready to round up the cows.

Many adults are also needed.   

After the cattle are brought into the corrals, the cows are then sorted out while leaving the calves in the pen to be easily roped at the back legs and brought to groups of wrestlers who hold them to the ground waiting for the shots, castrating and then branding. The calves are then released to enjoy the rest of their day.

These cowboys have finished sorting the cows off and are enjoying a little breakfast while the fires are being prepared for the branding irons.

Our niece did quite a bit of roping. She's a great cowhand.

My brother-in-law and his son are holding the back end of a calf, waiting while she's being vaccinated and branded. If the person on the back end of the calf accidentally releases the leg, it could cause great harm to the person on the other end of the calf.

My two sister-in-laws brand a calf, while my brother-in-law (in the background with the orange boots) castrates a bull.

Hope you enjoyed a brief look into a portion of the cowboy way of life. If you'd ever like to experience this first hand, just let me know and we'll make sure that you're at our branding next spring!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Baby Kittens!

Our cat who lives in the machine shed had baby kittens almost two weeks ago. Their eyes opened up in the past few days and so I decided to take them outside and introduce them to the world. They're still a little too small to really do anything fun and cute, but that doesn't mean that they aren't still fun and cute. :)

There are four. The other two were busy eating their supper. As they grow, I'll have to do further photo shoots so that you can see them all. 

This is Trinidad. He has an almost identical brother, named Durango.  

This is Sedona. She's my favorite.

I used to always want a calico kitty of these colors so am excited to have her. 
 I'm sure you've noticed that they're all named after towns. We have one more female and she's yet to be named. Any good ideas? She's a dark calico (black with a few speckles of white and orange).

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Birthday Pictures!

My little man turned two this week! 
We celebrated with a small little party of family and friends. 
Here's a peak!

He was so excited for Auntie Jessie to remove his new tractor, from her, out of the package.

Trying it out. I believe there were sound effects being made, too.

Finally, his own cowboy hat!

My little cowboy.
I tried to emulate a hay field with the green sprinkles... :)

I'm 2!
Daddy showing him how to blow out the candles.
He couldn't wait for yet another tractor to play with.
No birthday is complete with out "pony" rides. Marty happened to still have Rock saddled from his work that day.

Sharing rides with B1. :)

The mares looking on.

Sharing a ride with B2.

What a great "pony" ride! And yes, we do not wear helmets out here. That's for sissies.
And this manly man sure "ain't no" sissy!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Blog

I have been doing a little research on marketing my online jewelry shop,  
It was suggested to me to start both a Facebook page and a blog dedicated to the shop. Sounds like a lot of work for a busy mom, but I've decided to give it a try as it really is free advertising. 

So, if you're a current subscriber to this blog, why not considering my NEW blog:

Looking forward to seeing you there! :)

Tear Drop Dangle Earrings with Green Glass Beads and Amber Beads