Friday, July 27, 2012

When To Speak and When To Keep Silent?

It's so easy for me to judge. It's so easy for me to look at the speck of dust that is in another's eye, while ignoring the log that is in my own.

What about the issue that I've been able to over come? One that is no longer a stumbling block to me or never has been? An issue that I can see going awry is my fellow Christian sister's life that is not master of me, but I can see the downfall coming to them? What do I say? Do I say anything?

I hear so much of tolerance these days. Tolerance defined in our current culture really isn't tolerant at all. It's only a glorified word for letting me shove my ideas down your throat to obey, but I won't hear a word of your ideas.

For believers of Jesus Christ, isn't it part of our responsibility in the body to aid in healing that which is sick amongst us? How can I help if I'm too afraid to even address an issue because of fear of being shot down, criticized for even bringing up an issue as sin, or being accused of seemed judgmentalness?

How can I ignore Matthew 18, Luke 17, Galatians 6, 2 Thessalonians 3 and James 5:19 which all speak of going to my brother or sister in Christ and talking to them of this sin in their life? Matthew specifically points out that it should first be in private, and Galatians says that I should look to myself to see if I'm being tempted as well. If I'm free and clear of an issue, why then am I so afraid to be obedient to Scripture? 

There have been times that I've been "reprimanded" by fellow believers. It was done in love. It was done in true desire to see me grow closer to the Lord and not distanced. 

I want to help also. To speak with a spirit of love. When I don't say anything to someone that I'm close to, does that mean I don't really care about their spiritual growth?

Am I not then, also sinning?

At the end of James 4, he talks about going to a city and starting a business and being so sure of the future when we don't know what tomorrow will bring; instead we should depend on the will of the Lord for the future. James states: "Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."

I don't know the future, I don't know the outcome of a conversation. Am I just as guilt of sinning by keeping my mouth shut when I could help my fellow believer, even if they become angry with me?

I am more concerned about how people will treat me and respond to me, than ME being obedient to JESUS CHRIST. 

In the end it won't matter what people will think of me, and say to me and treat me. It will matter that I was obedient, to Jesus, and only to Jesus. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ranch Rodeo

Over the past few years, my husband and his brothers have been participating in local ranch rodeos. They differ from a typical rodeo and feature events that you would find happening on a working ranch today.  

 A ranch rodeo consists of activities that can be and once were found on a ranch.

My husbands team consisted of him and three of his brothers.

Their first event was "Trailer Loading". 
Each event must be completed in 2 minutes or less.

 Each participant loaded their horse into the horse trailer.

 The whole team had to be in the pickup and when the judge gave the cue, they could exit the vehicle and the clock would start ticking.

 Each brother unloaded his horse.

They were given a number, which was on a steer on the other side of the arena.

 Brice was the first in the saddle and headed for the herd. 

 Lonnie and Marty were close behind.

Brad tosses a loop and ropes the steer. Notice his fantastic orange boots. :)

And the rest of the boys loaded him into the trailer.

 Lonnie, Brice and Marty.

All team members have to be in the pickup before their time stops.


 The man in blue has a special interest in the team. He "purchased" them during the Calcutta before the rodeo and will receive a winning purse if they place.

The next event was the "Hide Race." Although most people don't do this identical activity on their ranch, the same elements are used-pulling and dragging.

Two teams ran against each other at the same time, giving the crowd some excitement! 

They have to complete one lap around the poll, and yes, that's an actual cow hide that Brad is riding.

Marty and Rock are roaring to go!

Here comes the turn.

The rope got caught under Marty's leg and they didn't finish as fast as in times past. 
Next year... :)

This next event was "Stray Gathering." This actually happens on the ranch - roping a calf out in the prairie to take care of an illness or other issue he might have.

For this event there are two steers loose in the arena. Each steer must be roped.

Brice has roped him and now Marty is going to "dog" him, wrestle the steer to the ground with his brute man strength. :)

Once the steer is down, three of his legs are tied together and they must stay tied for 6 seconds. 

Lonnie ropes the other steer, while Brice and Marty are taking care of the first one.

Brad helps Lonnie. 

Brice comes to add a third hand while the first steer stays on the ground, his legs tied for well over 6 seconds. :)

The job is done! 

There were two other events, both of which I didn't capture. Marty, Brice, Brad and Lonnie, known as Roghair Ranch, came in third place! 

There will be another Ranch Rodeo that they will participate in later in August. Stay tune for future footage! :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Harvest Time!

The wheat is ripe. 

 The time has come.


 Can you see that cute little boy sitting in the "buddy seat" of the combine? 
I think he's just so very cute! 

Much care and watchfulness is put into running the combine. 
Marty is the best at it, in my biased opinion. :)

I can just kiss those cute little cheeks! He pays very close attention. 
He'll be able to harvest the next field. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Facebook {To Be or Not to Be, Friends}

I'm expecting this to be the blog page with the most hits. :)

Let's face it, who really, deep down, doesn't enjoy Facebook? Staying connected with friends from overseas, sharing pictures with family, keeping in touch with old high school buddies? I was even found by some relatives in Finland that I've never met and now we get to see pictures of each other and learn a little about each others lives! How cool is that?! The only downside is that I don't understand Finnish, so I don't know most of what they're saying. :)

I have felt the need to have to "defend" a few of my guidelines with Facebook. 

I don't accept every friend request. Especially from people who live in my small community or close to me. Some people I see every day, why the need to stay connected on Facebook?
Some people I intentionally want to keep the face-to-face communication open and not fall in to the "only communicating online" trap. This doesn't always seem to work as I'd like it to and some might feel slighted and ignored by my not accepting a request, but doesn't that just prove the point? The face-to-face must need working on if feelings are hurt because I haven't "friend-ed" someone on Facebook. Isn't life more important than who are my Facebook friends? 

I love seeing pictures of family far away, hearing what missionary friends have been doing, keeping up with people I might not be able to without Facebook. 

But, Facebook doesn't limit who my friends are. It does give me a chance to share with those who I might see only once in a lifetime, or witness to someone, or give my brother grief who serves with the Army in S. Korea. But it's not limited to these people.

I'm learning to try to speak positively, and graciously to people. To take some time to think about my response before saying something that I'll regret, or that will make them feel defensive. I know that no matter what I say, someone might take it the wrong way. Especially in typed words when they can't hear the compassion and sincerity in my tone, such as I write now. 

I think that Facebook is a good thing, but like any good thing it can also easily be used for harm. 

If there are bad feelings on Facebook maybe it should be left in the corner, and good old fashioned open face-to-face communication should be pulled out of the closet.

Happy Communicating! :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hard Things {That I'm Learning}

I have been learning some very hard things lately. 

1) I am so incredibly selfish. 
 I'm realizing how much I whine (oh how I would love some wine right about now, and some smoked gouda) and complain, instead of rejoicing and looking at the good around me. I know there is so much, I just choose to see the bad.
2) I am married to a man who just won't give up {on me}. :)
He listens to me. Even when I whine. He's never told me to "shut up and get over it", although I'm sure he's thought it. :) He's patient and kind. Even when I'm rough and aggrivated.
3) Jesus really IS sufficiant.
While preparing dinner tonight, I put on the Keith & Kristyn Getty station on Pandora. I love the iPod dock that I have. The acoustics are wonderful. Songs of praise to Jesus have soothed my soul on this weary, dry, parched day.

4) I can't do this on my own. 
I have had several breakdowns the past few days. I'm not very strong. I struggle with emotions very deeply. I've been hurt so many times that I try to just go on, but then days happen like the past that they all come tumbling down. Past, present, and those I think could happen. 
I will spare you the details as they really need to be put past me. I just don't know how with a few of them, as I am faced with them weekly.

5) Children are a blessing.
It's so hard to remember this on days/weeks/months that I feel horrible every moment from this second pregnancy. It really doesn't make me excited for this new one. And I find I get too easily aggravated with my son, who right now is so cute and content playing with his tractors while we wait for supper to finish baking (why I'm running the oven on a 101 degree day is a very good question).

I think my dinner is done. So this will come to a close. If you are struggling and battling with life, I encourage you to look at what the Lord may be teaching you. What are the good things in it?

A few hours ago I would not have even wanted to consider it. But now, my heart has been soothed by the presence of Jesus, by the prayers of others, by the sweet smile of a little boy and by the steadfast love of a faithful husband. 

Jesus is sufficient. 
God is faithful.
Peace has come to this weary soul.