Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Some Highlights from the Summer

As the evenings begin to cool down and August slips by I can't help but wonder where this summer has gone. Here are a few highlights from the past few months. 
My second oldest brother spent a few days with us on his cross country trip from IL to the West Coast. As he took off down our road I was wishing I could go exploring with him.

I ran my first full marathon. 
The best part was finishing with this little man.

I finished an hour later than I'd hoped but there's always the next race!

J went on his first canoe trip. 

T-ball has become an enjoyment for the month of June. 

We spent some time in the northern Chicago suburbs with my family and to attend the wedding of one of my oldest friends.
My sweet little S viewing Lake Michigan for the first time. 

Marty was able to play a softball game with the church league my dad and brother are a part of.

He says he has bad form in these pictures but I still think he looks studly. 

This expression on my dad's face is so very familiar. 
I miss him.

Playing around with Uncle S.

Back at home we love seeing the flax fields bloom.

 The kids and I biked along the Missouri River today.

It has been a beautiful summer full of activity and time spent together as a family.