Monday, January 16, 2012

An Interruption?

The alarm goes off each morning. The same aggravation. 
I don't really want to get up. My bed is so cozy and warm and it feels like I just landed here minutes ago. 
But, it's a new day. I have a job to do. And, I get to spend it with those very dear to me. 

I half heatedly trudge to the first place any normal person visits as soon as they awake. :) I dress and then go to my favorite end of the couch. Next to the couch is an end table that I salvaged from the barn. It looks quite nice after some sanding, staining and a clear coat finish. I keep a plant, a lamp and my Bible on this end table. 

My spot for my daily quiet time with the Lord. 

Some days it is such a struggle to convince myself it's worth the time to rise earlier than my son, so that I'm able to have uninterrupted, quiet, alone, time with my Savior. It is always worth it.

Today was a little different. My son woke up much earlier than his normal time, crying as if he had a bad dream. I needed to tend to him. 

I scooped him out of bed along with his favorite green monkey blanket and his new buddy, Sock Monkey. I then returned to the peaceful, dark living room and sat it my spot. This time with a little warm buddy to snuggle with. 

We prayed together in the quietness of the morning. The dark sky still looming overhead as morning was starting to break. 

I then read to him from Deuteronomy, where I have been studying as part of the Bible study I attend once a week. A few times he squirmed, but I kept him snugly wrapped close to me. 

I used to worry somewhat about my morning quiet time with the Lord being interrupted once we had children. I now have a new solution: if my morning time does get "interrupted" I will just bring my children along with me!

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