Generally I enjoy my husband's job. Some days I do not. There are times it's challenging for me to understand and adjust to (even though we've been married for almost eight years). He gently reminds me of the good things, the fabulous perks.
Being his own boss.
Working with animals and not people
(the animals generally don't talk back, although occasionally they'll receive due payment for misbehavior).
Being outside and not in an office
(on -30 windchill days I'm glad he goes out and doesn't require my assistance unless an emergency).
What a great place it is for kids to grow up.
This perk never really struck home until the past year as Jacob has been going with Marty to feed cows, check water tanks, pick up supplies in town. It's the highlight of his morning to ride in the tractor with Daddy. As soon as he comes home, he gathers his tractors and wooden blocks and plays what he sees Daddy doing. He could tell you how to load a semi full of hay-bales. He can show you the exact movements of the grapple fork on the loader of the tractor and how it picks up the bales. He goes on adventures with our dog, Silver, completely free of traffic and limitations of concrete. He plays with the numerous cats that make our ranch their home as they keep the mice population down. He helps pick eggs out of the chicken coop.
I remember my sister-in-law (who also ranches) telling me that this isn't just a job,
it's a lifestyle.
I'm finally coming to the conclusion of what the family unit working together, playing together, living together looks like for us.
We're cattle ranchers. It's not just a job, not just a business, it's part of the way we get to live this life that God has blessed us with.
Today, we worked on a fence as we get ready for the up coming calving season. It was such a beautiful day out and so we all went, as a family, to work together on our ranch. Fencing is not one of my favorite past times, but it was enjoyable being out in the beautiful day working together.
I wanted to give you a brief glimpse in case you'd ever like to come and experience a taste for a day or two. :)
We are reusing some of this old fence to make a new one. |
I had to remove the staples with my fencing pliers, as I removed two of the wires. |
If you're able to see the corner of the fence, that's how much I'd already done. |
Jacob had originally started with Marty, but then walked over to hang out with me. |
Marty started on the east end, and I on the west end. Jacob walked about 1.5 miles this morning. Shiloh slept the whole time. |
Being silly and cute and trying to come up with his own thing. |
Someday when he's older, fencing pliers will mean hard work and not just a fun new toy. |
On the way home, as I crossed the creek, I got stuck... |
Marty wasn't too far behind, so thankfully he was able to pull me out. Not my proudest moment, but I thought I would share ALL the adventures of the morning! :) |
Someday we hope to have a few cabins and run a Bed & Breakfast. Mainly for the purpose of allowing those who otherwise wouldn't ever have a chance, get to experience live on a ranch.