Monday, July 20, 2015

Branding {Final Round}

My apologies for posting these so late. It's been a whirlwind of a June/July. 

We ended up running our branding over two days. It rained on the planned day so we worked half the calves in the large machine shed once they'd dried off.
Our cows were in three different locations and we decided to save the last two for a dryer day. 

I didn't get any photos of the branding in the machine shed as I was busy branding alongside one of my sister-in-laws. My brother-in-law and niece kept the calves coming at such a steady pace that there just wasn't time to shoot. It was also dusty and limited space to work so I stayed out of the way the best I could.

The pictures I have posted here were from the second day. I still branded but took some time off to shoot anyway. 

My kids helping Marty set up panels for where the branding would take place.

My niece A preparing for the cattle round-up.

Niece M headed out across the pasture. 

Bringing the herd up to the panels.

The cows are sorted out, leaving the calves. My brother-in-law stands at the gate giving room for the cow to leave.

Once she has left, he steps in front of the calf so that he does not escape. 

Our neighbor, Travis, kindly stopped in to help after he'd finished aiding another neighbor with his branding.  

My friend, Nicki, got to spend the day with us. She'd had her tonsils taken out just a few days before but that didn't stop her from enjoying this lifestyle that she loves. 

My youngest brother, Nathan, who's a John Deere mechanic, was able to attend his first branding with us. It was enjoyable to have him there.

(I felt obligated to write that last part. He was really such a pill and ate way too much food....)

The girls loved grilling the Rocky Mountain Oysters fresh off the bull calf. All we had was a pair of pliers to rotate them as they roasted.

This man. 
He's wonderful. 
I think I'll keep him. 

 Waiting for the second herd to be brought in.


Much fun is had by any child who attends a branding. 


 On my son. I just love him. Especially how he has his hands on his legs as he leans over watching the guys hold the calf in preparation for its brand.

My brother-in-law. 
I have more respect for this man than I can really put into words. 
I'm so thankful for his willingness to help.

Niece A was the only one available to wrestle this calf.  

She more than handled it.

Oh my heart. 

And my soul.

Before heading for the second pasture I'd whipped into my house to grab my grilling tongs to give the nieces some more fun at their pasture culinary skills. We also had S&P available for seasoning. 

Niece M kept everyone (who chose to partake) well fed from the branding stove.

The end of a hard work day.

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