Friday, June 22, 2012


I've been reading Tedd Tripp's book, Shepherding a Child's Heart, off and on the last few months. Love it. Highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in raising godly children, having good, solid relationships with their children and who prefers not to buy into our society's lousy example of raising kids.

Just as walking with Christ is costly, so is raising my children effectively and biblically. The chapter I've been reading deals with communication. Tedd Tripp is all about not yelling at your kids every time they do something wrong, but discipline, encourage, teach, correct, pray, instruct, etc. Building relationships. Leading by example. Taking the time to talk with them, teach them, shepherd them. It's not a flippant thing to parent. It can't be done casually to truly be effective. 

There's been many excerpts I've thought about posting on my blog, but what I read last night really struck me and I had a few minutes this morning to post it.

From Chapter 10, Embracing Biblical Methods: A Life of Communication-Is It Worth the Cost?

    "Parenting will mean that you can't do all the things that you could otherwise do. It will affect your golf handicap. It may mean your home does not look like a picture from Better Homes and Gardens. It will impact your career and ascent on the corporate ladder. It will alter the kind of friendships you will be available to pursue. It will influence the kind of ministry you are able to pursue. It will modify the amount of time you have for bowling, hunting, television, or how many books you read. It will mean that you can't develop every interest that comes along. The costs are high.
     How can you measure the cost against the benefits? I have spent time with broken parents. I have seen the drawn faces of parents who have know the heartbreak of seeing their children fleeing a home in which they had not been engaged by their parents. I have also known the joy of hearing children who have been biblically engaged by their parents say, "Dad, I am amazed at how thoroughly I have been prepared for life. I will always be grateful for what you and Mom have given me."
      What price tag can a parent place on that?"

There have been days when my supper has almost burned because I've needed to take care of an issue with my son. 
I've chosen  to stay home and take care of him, instead of letting him be raised by someone's values that I might not agree with while I pursue a career. 
Some friendships have suffered because I haven't had the time to pursue them like before. That has hurt the most. The desire is there, but the available time isn't. Some people understand, others don't.

Through this all, I know that I'm only accountable to God. If other people misunderstand why I don't help with VBS, or why I don't participate in this or that, or why I haven't called someone in a while and am only able to talk with them when I see them around town, then so be it. The Lord sees what goes on in my home, where my priorities are being spent and if they are in obedience to Him. It does not matter what someone else may think. 

This is hard for me; what others think does matter to me. I'm slowly learning to truly only be concerned about my obedience to the Lord, and not to man.

The costs are high. God has given me this precious little boy to shepherd and lead. How can I throw away such a gift?

July 2011

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