We also weigh the calves. Marty likes to have a record of how productive the mothers have been in raising their young. This year, with the drought, some people have had a tough time. There isn't as much grass to go around and there are a lot of ranches in South Dakota struggling. Our calves, however, have had some of the best weights we've seen. Especially considering this years weather conditions.
A few years ago when we experienced drought, Marty had told me that the dry grass is actually better for the cows/calves than the greener grass. The nutrients are more condensed/concentrated and the cattle tend to do better on dry than wet grass. The only problem is that a rancher needs more of it. This year we were able to lease some more land, which helped a lot, and Marty's really good at proper land management. This helps insure good grazing seasons by rotating pastures during certain times of the year.
With that said, I thought I would share just a few pictures I'd taken of the day. I didn't do a whole lot this year as I've been feeling pretty sore. My busy day is always the one before when I prepare food for the crew.
My sister and brother-in-law and their two oldest girls helping to round up one of the herds. |
Marty and our son, on the horse in the middle. |
So thankful for this crew. They worked so hard all day long. |
Deviled Eggs are generally a staple when I cook for a day of working cows. |
Fresh fruit is, too. |
Marty requested burgers and what good are they plain without the fixings? |
I made them "Marty style". Thick and huge. They were over a pound each! Several of the guys had two! I could barely eat one... |
What meal is complete without dessert? I usually make pie, but my sister-in-law's birthday was a few weeks prior and I'd been meaning to make her an angel food cake. Yum! |
Also made Spiced Plum Tart. This was a new one. I think I'll add it to my repertoire. |
Would you like to join us next year? We'd sure love to have ya! :)
Good job on being a rancher's wife....and a rancher! And a mom....we are excited about the expected addition. Oh, and good job on the cooking part. Your pictures make my mouth water.