Thursday, November 8, 2012

Family Pictures

Family Pictures. The very thought brings some to cringe and keel over in angst. This was the first year we actually attempted them. The weather has been somewhat nice and of course, I picked a day that we were all fighting sickness. 

We'd thought about doing something with the horses but decided to wait until next year, when we will have all four of our horses trained well as my niece is currently working with our youngest mare, Eowyn (for all you fellow Lord of the Rings fans :)).

So, this year we thought about incorporating guns. Something fun, something different. How many of you actually receive a Christmas picture with a friend carrying a gun? We thought it was a fabulous idea! 

I realized after the shot was taken that although Marty is proudly displaying his .270, his face is blocked and we aren't doing an ad for Ruger. I would normally have noticed something like this right away, but my brain isn't working as normal (or maybe it never did) and running back and forth from the camera, set on timer, to my spot has it's disadvantages.

It was slightly windy that morning, as noted in my hair. Jacob also decided that my pistol looked more interesting than his rifle. 

We traded guns. Apparently it was more fascinating than looking at the camera. (For all you concerned parents, the pistol is not loaded.)

I wanted to do something fun with our boots, and to share with those who didn't know, that we're expecting. 

The one to pass the test. Later to be seen on our Christmas card. :)


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  2. Oops! Sorry! Didn't mean to delete.

    Thank you for your kind words! :)
