I have been slowly reading through the gospel of John. Each day I've been taking a small section and journaling about the character and nature of Jesus Christ.
As many times as I've read this book, reading in small chunks and really looking at Who Jesus Is has opened my eyes to some vast discoveries; things that I knew, but hadn't really absorbed. I thought I would share one of them with you.
John 2:13-22
It's the Passover, Jesus has gone to Jerusalem. He finds the temple turned into the local sale barn where all animals needed for sacrifices are being sold, and money changers exchanging money. He makes a whip, drives everyone out, pours out the coins, turns over tables, tells those selling doves to "stop making My Father's house a place of business."
vs. 18 "The Jews then said to Him, "What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?"
vs. 19 Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.""
They, of course, argue the fact that it took 60 years to build the temple and how could He do it in three days? Vs. 21-22 go on to say that Jesus was speaking of the temple of His body and when He was raised, "His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken." (italics mine)
I tried to do a brief summary, with keeping the most important words of Jesus written out as it says in Scripture. As you may have noticed, I took the liberties of bold-facing one word in vs. 19.
I read and reread and read this passage some more. "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up."
I'm not always very good at thoroughly explaining my thoughts, and I hope that you can follow me on this one. I believe in the Triune God, the Trinity-that God is Three in One-Father, Son, Holy Spirit. He never ceases to be one of the other three while He manifests Himself as One of them.
In this passage, Jesus is speaking of Himself. He says He will raise Himself up in three days.
Do you see it?
Without those He's speaking to realize what He's saying, He's telling them that He is the Divine, Holy God!
I have known this. I have believed this for a long time. But not until the other day when I read through this passage did it hit me right between the eyes!
I cannot express my great joy as the tears roll down my face right now. This is Jesus. To whom I shamelessly bow before.
He wasn't just a man who walked the earth.
He is Jesus Christ, the Divine God.
Thank you for sharing, Cristen. I'm thankful that the Spirit is showing you amazing things!!