Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cattle Drive and A Walk through Our Wood {Adventures of the Week}

One of my absolute favorite parts of Marty's job is getting to move cows. We had a small cattle drive this week of about five miles. We've begun the gathering of all our herds into one big herd to prepare for calf sale day in November.

Since it was a small herd, we only needed one extra person and recruited our Cousin A. It worked out that I was able to ride, while my mother-in-law kindly watched J and flagged for us. Flagging involves driving a vehicle a fair distance in front of the herd to warn on-coming traffic of a temporary road blockage, the cows. With our area being hilly, this is especially helpful as a semi could come over a hill as we're going up and.....splat. You get the idea. 

I haven't been able to do this in a while as I'm usually the one flagging, or for whatever reason it hasn't worked out. I was very excited to participate in my favorite ranching activity and asked my mother-in-law to take some pictures to prove to the world that I do do more than just keep house. :)

Marty and A making sure her stirrups are at the proper length. Riding with stirrups too short or too long makes for a very uncomfortable and unenjoyable roundup.

Putting the bridal on my beloved, Twilight. She's about 20 years old and is finally slowing down. It's rather sad as she's spent most of her life a spirited and spunky gal. 

A and I heading out.
Bringing the cows under the interstate. As you can see in the background, our state is extremely dry and fires are a huge threat. The land behind you was burned a month ago and threatened three homes, all of which were saved.
A, myself and Marty. I love seeing him on a horse. It makes me excited. That's probably what I was telling him. :)

On another adventure of the week, J and I went for a walk through our woods. Our "homestead" is surrounded by a belt of trees on the north and west side, the "shelter belt." It's very much appreciated when the winds are horrid and the snow deep. When I leave the shelter, it amazes me how much of a difference it makes. I love taking him on adventures there because 1) I really miss Wisconsin in the fall and I can almost pretend I'm there and 2) we love the sound of the leaves crunching beneath our feet. 

"Come on, Mom! This way"

Some areas of exploration involve some tricky moves to get through.

Sticks are perfect to protect Mom from any unfriendly fiends.

Picking "blueberries" to carry through the woods and throw at random objects. :)


  1. How fun to see your adventures. Love it.

  2. Love those pictures.....especially the little adventurer. What a joy to watch him grow.
