Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Six Months and Cruzin'

My baby is 6 months already! I think these have been the fastest 6 months of my life! One child made time spin, but two sends it into hyper speed! 

Here we are sporting the new dress from her aunties who're fixated with anchors.

Both my children have made this hilarious face. I makes me bust out laughing. 

This child has a thing with her feet going every which way, so I had to add this picture because I find it so funny.

My son got up from his nap as our photo session was about over so we took some together. 
It's very challenging for me to take the pictures and try to keep both faces on me (I never claimed to be an excellent children's photographer; they are a special breed all on their own). 

Or to keep one from deciding to crawl across the backdrop.

But, it made for some entertainment.

We recruited Dad's help and were able to get a shoot with both kids in focus. 
And as it would be, someone had to make a face.

All for good laughs and memories! :)

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