Sunday, October 6, 2013

My 10K Trail Run Experience

I'm a bit of a loaner. A majority of my most refreshing, rejuvenating times have been when I've been hiking, walking, running, biking, driving, mountain or hill gazing. 


Last weekend I ran a 10K Trail Run. I'd been training heavily the past few months. In the weeks of training, so many things have been clambering for my attention. So much commotion everywhere I turn. So much noise. 

Since I started running a few years ago I always take my iPod and either listen to music or sermons by some of my favorite pastors and teachers. With all that has been craving my attention I just needed some time of peace. 
Of quiet.

I started running without my iPod. Just the sound of the wind. A bird. The gentle hum of travelers on the road. 
Just me and the Lord. In silence. 

Sometimes I would pray. Sometimes I would think. But most of the times I would just be. Just be with Jesus. In quiet. Nothing clambering for my attention. Just the steady pace of my feet on the road.
These times have been so refreshing to me.

I was excited for the 10K. I knew that trail running would be very different. I don't have any of the same kinds of trails to train where I live, so I just improvised. My goal was 1) to finish, and 2) to run the whole way. I accomplished both of these in June 2012 when I ran my first Half-Marathon.

I have now discovered that trail running is completely different than road. I so very much love to hike, but have never ran a hiking trail. I ran almost a mile before I had to slow down and fast walk. I was discouraged. With over five miles still to go I couldn't complete my second goal. The inclines were so steep that I didn't think I'd have the energy to finish if I didn't slow down. My calves burned. 

Half way through I decided to just enjoy the beauty of the trail. To just spend that time with the Lord. To just be. I ran when I could and fast hiked when I couldn't. 

When I ascended to the highest peak, I stopped. 
The view was beautiful. 
The air was so crisp and clean. 
And I just wept. 
Alone on top of this mountain I reflected on what the Lord was teaching me. 

My journey in this life has been full of ups and downs. Some I have ran with joy, others I have walked through slowly. 

It has been those slow steps that I have felt the closest to Jesus. It was the slower journey I made as I progressed on the 10K that I felt closest to Him.

I wept as I stood still, taking in the beauty. 
Rejoicing that He was with me. 
Whether I run or walk, He is always here. And will continue to be so through the finish. 

And I did.
Half an hour longer than I'd hoped, but lighter on my feet than when I started.

At the finish-line with my two sweeties.

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