Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sugar Cookies

J has been helping me a lot in the kitchen. He loves to stir things, add ingredients, and control the speed on the mixer. 

Yesterday we made sugar cookies! I don't usually make a lot of sweets to keep around the house as I would be too tempted to eat them. I have two events coming up that I needed something for, so sugar cookies it was! It works out perfect as I can have a little Christmas cookie, but there won't be too many in my kitchen as most will be given away. :)

J loved helping cut out the cookies.

We made them yesterday, and this morning finished them off with homemade frosting. 
J put the sprinkles on them. I showed him how.

Then he seems quite capable of doing it himself.

 After all that hard work, he decided it was time for a cookie. 

Our finished product, thanks to my little helper!


  1. I am very happy to see that enjoyed the fruit of his labor!

  2. We made sugar cookies today and both mine love to do the sprinkles. And of course the best part is taste testing to make sure they are good enough for the neighbor goodie plates. =)
